TANGO QUEER o DIVERSO – GRAN MiLONGA NACiONAL – Esteban Mioni y Edgardo Sesma
Video (4:14): TANGO QUEER o DIVERSO – GRAN MiLONGA NACiONAL, Esteban Mioni and Edgardo Fernández Sesma dance ‘intercambio’ with and without the change of embrace, to Francisco Canaro’s tango, CARA SUCIA, played by Carlos Di Sarli’s orchestra in 1957.
Edgardo Fernández Sesma writes: “Thanks to Professor Obdulio Tigre Serrano for inviting us for the second year, to participate representing the “Espacio de Tango Diverso” (created in 2011), of “SIGLA”, Buenos Aires a charitable organization which has fought against discrimination for 26 years. I am not a professional dancer, but I dance in exhibitions to promote queer tango, our non-commercial spaces and our solidarity campaigns in which we dance tangos.