Tango with open roles

Milonga Lisa

Video 13:58): ‘Milonga Lisa’ (text by Mario Schoendorff, directed by him and Bárbara Merlo, and performed by Bárbara Merlo and Melissa Romero of the theatre company ‘Presente’) is a micro-theatre piece which goes into the universe of tango lived by women. With black humor and drama, it discusses the contrast between the essence of tango, the dance of passion, darkness, power and fusion, where two bodies become one through the awareness of the pause and the present moment, and shows us the miseries of life which constantly remove ourselves from our center and our skills to be with others. The solitude and the passing of time as essential parts of the human experience are added to the peculiar experience of women in tango, which poetics subordinates and isolates them, in the frustrating search for the freedom of pleasure. ‘Milonga Lisa’ shows playing with the tango roles, in this case, not as an empowering experience, but as a obsessive repetition of the dialectic of the master and the slave. ‘Milonga Lisa’ is a powerful, biting and complex piece where human and tango drama become one.