
Tango enQuentro in Stockholm May 23 – 25 2014

Excerpt from Tangoverkstan’s Newsletter:

Tango enQuentro Workshop Weekend in Stockholm, Sweden May 23-25 2014.
Workshops & Practicas,
Workshops for all levels, also the very beginner!
Registration is open now.
You can sign up without a partner.

Charlotte Rivero / Tangoverkstan: The big queer tango festival in Stockholm will have a time out this year and instead we will go for a new idea of a smaller, intimate tango meeting, a Tango enQuentro™ May 23 – 25. A new tango word and tango concept is born with the Q symbolising an open minded, inclusive, modern and relaxed event based on workshops and practicas. During the weekend we share the venue with other activities so it will not be festival decorated or emptied of furnitures as we use to do. As a result the dance floor is smaller and also the number of dancers, maybe around 50-60 dancers. We will practise a lot during the days and early afternoon/nights. So no very late night party milongas but a lot of fun practicas where you can practise stuff from workshops, learn, laugh & sweat.

History and development of Queer Tango in Sweden! 14 years of open role/queer tango!
Stockholm, Sweden celebrates 9 years of Queer Tango. Charlotte Rivero is a pioneer with queer tango in Sweden and also one of the international pioneers with the second international queer tango festival growing the national and international queer tango community by organizing the festival and teaching world wide. Charlotte Rivero is also a pioneer with leader courses for followers. She offer weekly regular queer tango courses and practicas at Tangoverkstan – Roller i Rörelse®/Roles in Motion™.

It all started with tango courses for women about 14 years ago with exchange of roles, same sex dancing and feminist theory, reflecting over the dance roles (queer teaching but not yet named queer tango). This was later connected also to queer theory, developed and named queer tango. A name first used by the queer tango festival in Hamburg. (However the name might have different world wide connotations.)