
The Queer Tango Project
We support the discourses which accompany and inform the dancing of queer tango. We aim to provide a whole range of different types of resources geared towards encouraging reflection about how and why queer tango has been, is and should be danced. We give voice not only to academics but also and more especially to queer tango activists and dancers who, unlike academics, may not have convenient platforms for airing their ideas. We create spaces where academics, activists and others can share their videos and writings. We also work towards “bridging” the “Spanish-English” language and cultural divide which, given tango’s and queer tango’s histories alike, can inhibit the free flow of ideas.


Ray and Birthe in Berlin 2015
Ray and Birthe 

The Editorial Team
The Queer Tango Project arose out of the Queer Tango Book project founded in 2013 by Birthe Havmøller. We are Birthe Havmøller (DK) and Ray Batchelor (UK).

After the publication of our first free ebook, The Queer Tango Book (2015, co-edited by Birthe Havmøller, Ray Batchelor and Olaya Aramo), it became apparent that in parallel with any programme of publications, other, allied activities might be of value so in 2015, we launched the Queer Tango Project website as a resource for the queer tango community.

We invite collaborations. We do much of our work online (by Zoom or Google Docs) and invite queer tango dancers and dual role allies around the world to join our Queer Tango Project Team. Birthe (Aarhus, DK) and Ray (London, UK) were joined by Olaya Aramo (Madrid, Spain) who was instrumental in developing The Queer Tango Project’s first Spanish language activities. In 2020 for the publication of Queer Tango Futures, Mori Plaschinski, a queer tango dancer and activist originally from Mexico, joined the team as a co-editor while she was living in Amsterdam, Holland. Do get in contact with us if you have a proposal.

We publish free eBooks on Queer Tango 
Following the publication of the Queer Tango Book (2015), we have published other titles examining queer tango today as well as its historical aspects. For a full list, go to the Free Books.

We Blog
We have created a queer tango blog where we share queer tango videos, articles and news items about queer tango events.  – If you have anything which you would like us to share on the blog, do write to us at Birthe: havmoeller@gmail.com

We Curate the Queer Tango Image Archive
The Queer Tango Image Archive is a digital collection of historical, pre-1995, images relating to the themes and issues touched on by queer tango. It was founded following discussions in March 2015 in Montevideo, Uruguay, between Gonzalo Collazo and Ray Batchelor and went public in March 2016. Queer Tango Histories: Making a Start was an eBook we published in 2020. It is an anthology of academic studies by Ray that analyse the imagery found in the Queer Tango Image Archive.
If you know of an image you think we should include – check we haven’t already got it! – then email us at ray.queertango@gmail.com

We run The Queer Tango Conversation on Facebook
Launched in 2016, The Queer Tango Conversation is a Facebook group run by the Queer Tango Project so that anyone – dancers, activists, authors, academics or artists can air their ideas, ask questions or otherwise stimulate debate about queer tango. Unlike many other dance groups on Facebook, we DO NOT allow promotional material but dedicate our space to conversations and deep thoughts.
Join The Queer Tango Conversation at https://www.facebook.com/groups/855948337777313 on Facebook.