Video (3:06): Astrid Weiske, J.P Ramirez and Daniel Arroyo performing at the Queer Tango Festival Berlin 2015.
Video (6:19): Astrid Weiske and Kat Gorsuch perform at the LGBTI Pavillion, International Tourism Fair Berlin 2016 for the Argentine Embassy.
Join Ray Batchelor, Hélène Marquié and Jon Mulholland in Paris for The Queer Tango Salon: Connecting Bodies of Knowledge – an International Inter-disciplinary Symposium of
Augusto Balizano and Mariana Docampo invites you to celebrate the 10. anniversary of the Festival Internacional de Tango Queer in Buenos Aires. The festival dates are November 4 – 20, 2016.
Queer Tango Retreat in Tulum with Astrid Weiske, February 22, 2016 – February 29, 2016 at La Posta Tango (dance club), Tulum, Mexico.
Astrid Weiske and Anna Morisot performed at the Gala Milonga of the Queer Tango Club’s Queer Tango Festival in St Petersburg, July 2015.
Welcome to the queer feminist arts festival in Rome. May 24, 2015 Tango Fem will create a Queer Tango corner inside Genderotica.
Video (2:52): Astrid Weiske and Ana Maria Shapira dancing Tango Vals and exchange roles – Oberlin College, USA April 2013.
Video (6:04): Astrid Weiske & Ciça Camargo performing in 2010 at Phantastango Festival, Pfännerhall, Germany.
Video (4:47): This is the second performance by Astrid Weiske (GE) and Erica Atnip (US) at the Gala Night of the 4. International Queeertango Festival in Berlin 2014.
Video (4:44): Astrid Weiske & Erica Atnip performing at the Gala Night of the Berlin Queertango Festival 2014. The Queertango Festival in Berlin is organised by Astrid Weiske.
Save the dates. The 5. International Queertango Festival Berlin takes place Thursday, July 23 – Sunday July 26, 2015.