
VIDA MIA Role-free Tango in Miami

Video (3:36): Role-Free TANGO in Miami – ‘VIDA MIA’ Open-Air Practica, a successfully funded Kickstarter video project, 2013.

As a role-free tango space, VIDA MIA is the first of its kind in Miami. The VIDA MIA practica adds an exiting new place for tangoing during the week, open to both locals and out of towners.
With the above Kickstarter video the practica organisers have sucessfully raised money to upgrade their dancefloor and get the adequate outdoors sound equipment for the opening of their new practica in October 2013.

You can get further details about this practica by joining the ‘VIDA MIA role-free tango practica in Miami’group at or by contacting the organiser Miguel Kanai.