Video (3:59): 13. Festival Internacional de Tango Queer en Buenos Aires, 2019: Reinaldo Ojeda y Edgardo Sesma.
Video (4:14): TANGO QUEER o DIVERSO – GRAN MiLONGA NACiONAL, Esteban Mioni and Edgardo Fernández Sesma dance ‘intercambio’ with and without the change of embrace, to Francisco Canaro’s tango, CARA SUCIA, played by Carlos Di Sarli’s orchestra in 1957.
Video (2:59): La Cumparsita 100 años – Tango Diverso o Queer, Montevideo.
Video (3:41): Queer tango performance by Esteban Mioni and Edgardo Sesma, Buenos Aires, 2017.
Video (3:41): Carlos Blanco de México y Edgardo Fernández Sesma de Buenos Aires, bailan intercambiando roles con y sin intercambio de abrazo
Video (4.53): Esteban Mioni y Edgardo Fernández Sesma bailan “Fueron tres años”, en la Milonga de la Plaza Dorrego de San Telmo.
We think The Queer Tango Salon really was a success! We had hoped for perhaps 30-35 delegates – by the close we had 65 people who had registered.
Edgardo Fernández Sesma: … My second milestone dates back to 1997. In that year, the first experiences of queer tango took place, or better said what would be known as ‘queer tango’ internationally, which we also call ‘tango diverso’ and ‘tango libre’ locally.
Mariana Docampo: It is about Festival Internacional de Tango Queer in Buenos Aires! From November 14 – 20, 2016 we are going to celebrate the first ten years of the festival and will have everything: milongas, parties, classes, practicas!!
The Queer Tango Salon: Connecting Bodies of Knowledge will be happening in Paris next month and the full schedule for the 16th and 17th September 2016 is now available on their website.
Edgardo Fernández Sesma to Join others at The Queer Tango Salon: Connecting Bodies of Knowledge. Edgardo Fernández Sesma, perhaps Buenos Aires’ most indefatigable Queer Tango
Video (2:38): Edgardo Fernández Sesma and Esteban Mioni performing a Queer Tango (intercambio) in Buenos Aires.